Monday, August 22, 2011

Everything and Nothing

I dont even know were to begin. So many things have happened in the past few weeks that its just crazy. I think the one i am most excited about has to do with my mom. Two months ago my little sister and i made my mom an e-harmony account (with her permission of course). To our great surprise she got really into it and met a guy that she really started to like. Fast forward to last week and now she is engaged. We never saw this coming. My mom is different now, but its a good kind of different. I have thought long and hard about what the difference is and I think its that she is in love. I have never truly seen my mom in love. My parents marriage started falling apart long before the divoice. I was so young I sadly don't remember a time when my parents were in love. She is so happy and stress free. The wedding is going to be in about six weeks. Thats like no time in wedding time. I could not be happier for my mom.

As for the guy its going to take me some time getting use to him. His personality is very just ready to be my dad is the best way I can say it. I have grown up with out a dad and now I am away at college. He just wants to jump right into my life. And I know its not a bad thing. It just is going to take some time to get use to.

I am in my second week of college at Oral Roberts University. I love it here. College is absolutely amazing. Its a huge change from being homeschooled, thats for sure. Already i have had ice cream socials, learned to play ultimate frisby and volleyball and my favorite so far, had mud fights with our brother wing at 1 in the morning in the rain.  The classes are easy, I like my room mate and teachers but the food is a whole other story. I never have understood the famed freshman 15 but I do now more than ever and I refuse to gain it so to help prevent it guess what i went out and did...

I went out and MADE THE TRACK AND FIELD TEAM! I still can not believe it. It has not started yet but when it does I will be running a minimum of 30 miles a week. Crazy right! I will write all about it when I do start.

And finally there is a boy that I like. I try not to write about guys too often but there is just something about him. His name is Max and he is an incoming freshman, but hes two years older than me (he did mission trips for two years after high school) and his major is music tech. Oddly enough he is in my brother wing, so I get to see him quiet a bit. You must understand I do not very often like guys. I rather stay focused on school, making good grades and such but then he came along. He's not the kind of guy I imaged myself liking at all!

For starters he is my height if not shorter and I am only 5'9. Hes not very athlete. I always thought I would like a soccer player or like someone tall who could protect me. Even just writing about him now if makes me just smile. Its weird. What draws me to him is how outgoing and confident he is but not in a cocky way at all. I like how he does his own thing. Hes not a follower. And most of all I love how he puts Christ first in his life. Anyway I have only know him for a few weeks now but I will write more later. As for now I must finish a whole bunch of homework.

Till next time

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