Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A New Chapter

Yesterday was my birthday. I am now 18. It feeling like such a huge number. I know that in the whole picture of life that its not but it feels that way right now. I remember 8 years ago when i though double digits were a huge deal. And lets not even talk about 13. I though i was unstoppable, being a teenager and all. But 18 is somehow slightly different from these other years. My parents divorced 6 years ago. The courts then set specific visitation days for me. They told me which parent I would spend my weekends with, who I would spend my birthday with, if I would get to see them on their birthdays, whos turn it was to have be on any given holiday, how my summer would be divided between the two of them and so much more. I am sad to say that my wants and feelings were really not taken into account. I dont want your pity or sympathy I just want to explain why I am so excited to turn 18 and the major changes that it brings about. It feels good to know that my life it finally in my hands. If I wanted to I could now not see either one of them for the holidays or I could see both. I dont know what I will do but what I do know is that it will be my choice. Not my parents and defiantly not some judges who has never met me before. To be completely honest I probably will comtiou with my visitation schedule as usual but I am ok with that because it will have been my decision.


Monday, January 3, 2011

Day One

So, today was my first day on P90x. Those workouts are no joke! The thing that i have noticed about P90x is that so many people put youtube videos and blogs about starting it but so many of them you never hear from again after week two or three. But not me. I am going to follow this thing all the way though. It really helps that i am doing it with my mom, two aunts and an uncle. I am not doing it to loss weight. That's not my intention at all. I am 5'9 and weight 115. My main reason for doing it is to gain muscle tone. I am going away to college in the fall and i want to look really great so if that is not great motivation than i don't know what is!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years Resolutions

1) Spend at least one hour everyday in prayer- Done

2) Do P90x- Done

3) To go out of country- Done

4) Blog at least twice a month

5) Finish every book i start

6) Stay true to myself

7) Send a secret to PostSecret

8) Keep all of the above!