Monday, October 31, 2011

Absolutely Nothing

Sometimes things do not turn out the way we wish they would. Actually most times they do not. Sometimes it is for the best, others we cant see how any good will come from it. It was so close, everything was perfect. Anticipation was high. Nothing could have brought me down, except for one thing and that one thing happened. Everything came to a screeching halt. After the disbelief, confusion and anger passed I was left with nothing. All that excitement and build up for what? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Friday, October 7, 2011

The Beginning of Something (hopefully!)

Ok so I know I said I would try not to write about this boy too much but something amazing happened.  I can already tell this is one of those posts I will look back on and think, "Why did I write that?" But I am too excited not to, so here I go.

Here at ORU we have what we call roommate dates. Basically you get a date for your roommate and then the whole floor (which is about 30 girls) goes out with there date.  The dates are suppose to be blind, but that never happens. So a few nights ago a bunch of girls were in my room disusing whom they wanted for their date. So when they asked me I said Max. Turned out one of the girls had a class with him, so it was decided she would ask him the following day..

What if he said no or had no idea who I was?  All kinds of scenarios were running though my head. I was on pins and needles the entire day.  Well to my great relief and somewhat surprise he knew who I was AND he said… YES! I could not believe it, he said yes! So the date is set for the 29th. I am so nervous. This is going to be my first date EVER. I will try not to be too awkward :) I am just really hoping and praying it goes really well because from what I can tell I really like this guy.

Well needless to say, you will be hearing about my date so I guess having a boy free blog is out the window!

Till then,