Friday, September 30, 2011

Which way home?

This week was interesting to say the least. It felt good to be back home in maryland.  I had not seen my mom in two months and boy did it feel good to be hugged by her again.  We made this huge scene at the airport. It was hilarious, everyone was looking at us, but I did not care. I was back home.  Later that day we picked up my sister from her boarding school which was about 4 hours away, and yes we did the whole scene all over again.

To my great surprise Everton (my moms finance) decided to meet us in Georgia later that week for the wedding. It was really nice to spend some much needed time alone with my mom. Since I now live in Tulsa where no one really has a sence of style I desided to wait until I got to Maryland to buy my dress.  It felt as if i had never gone away to college just hanging out with my mom like old times.

Once we got to Georgia the dynamics changed, it was all about the wedding. Strangely enough my mom really counted on me to do many of the finishing touches such as checking the reception room, making sure the cake got there and other minor things. All in all the wedding went well.

But this was the strangest part. I was ready to go back to school. I was ready for several reasons. 1) I was tired of being my old name again. My family though they try have not switched over to Zara at all. 2) The mom I knew was no longer there. She had changed. Not in a bad way but different none the less. I had never seen her this happy and care free. I liked seeing this way. I just was not use to it. 3) While we were in Maryland we sold our home. The only home I ever lived in. Sure my mom now lives in Georgia but what about me? Is home Tulsa now for me?

I dont know, these reasons sound dumb now but all those and others I can not explain caused me to ask "Am I leaving home or going home?" I did not even care that much but all I knew was that I was ready to leave. I also concluded that Tulsa is now home...


Saturday, September 10, 2011

Third Update of the Year

8) Make friends at ORU!!! (homeschooling prepared me well academically, socially is a whole other story)

9) Don't get really irritated or annoyed with my roommate (because that will make for a long year!)

10) Tell my dad about changing my name (preferably before I leave in August)

11) I think number 8 was a little vague. Make GUY friends, not just girls

12) Continue to run and work out at school

13) Stop drinking Dr. Pepper! (Its the only soda I drink but I am whiten my teeth, so it has to go!) 

14) Learn how to carry a good conversation with anyone. Teachers, friends, guys. Everyone.

Alright so since my last update to this list, in June, I have crosses off number 8, 10 and 12.  Lets start with number 8.

To my great surprise making friends was not has hard as i had expected it to be. Don't really know what to write about this one but there was defiantly an adjustment period to say the least. I had to get used to being around people 24/7.  I was a little overwhelming at first quiet honestly but i eventually found out that by just having a few hours to myself its not so bad.  I have not found (so far) any life long friends yet, but i have found many people that i enjoy being around.  Hopefully by the end of the year I will have made some friends i can see myself keeping in touch with for many years after college!

10) Well I told my dad back in july i think and i wrote a post on it so no need to do it again!

12) This one is probably that most interesting. I met a girl who had run a marathon when she was 16 (she's now 18) and want to run another. So we decided to train together! For those of you who don't know, running a marathon is one of my life goals. So to have the opportunity to knock this one out with in the next year is amazing. I am so excited!

Sorry to be so boring. I promise more interesting posts are to come. (my mom gets married this month...) well thats all for now
